Divorce Mediation & Financial Analysis

Navigate your divorce with confidence and clarity


Make Informed Decisions And Gain Peace Of Mind


Divorce can be a difficult and emotional process, and it often involves significant legal and financial implications for both parties involved. Making informed decisions give you the peace of mind knowing that you have taken steps to protect your well-being and your future. There are no “do overs” in divorce. Getting assistance from an experienced Mediator and Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® enables you to make informed decisions in an environment of decreased conflict as you go through the divorce process. Divorce Concierge is a boutique practice offering divorce mediation and divorce financial analysis. We’re here to guide you through the divorce process enabling you to make the best long-term decisions with less stress. We can help wherever you are in the process, from contemplating divorce, working with your attorney amid the process, or having post-divorce coparenting issues.

Suzanne Chambers-Yates

Meet Suzanne

I’m an experienced Mediator and Certified Divorce Financial Analyst®. I specialize in helping families like yours successfully navigate their divorce peacefully and productively, so they can focus on making informed decisions for an equitable resolution.

I have experience and specialized training in the financial facets of divorce and can analyze data and options for settlement.


 Divorce Financial Issues

The decisions you make at this time can have a profound impact on your future and your children's future. It is essential to understand property division financial issues and tax consequences concerning real estate, pension plans, and retirement. It is imperative to hire an experienced professional who understands the divorce process, is certified in analyzing divorce financial issues and settlement options, while paying attention to potential tax implications.

You don’t have to feel confused, or stuck!


Where To Start?


Contemplating divorce?

Contemplating divorce is a deeply personal decision and there is no one-size-fits-all answer. It is important to reflect on your situation and make an informed decision that is right for you. I can help you understand what the divorce process entails and things that you’ll want to pay attention to regarding your specific situation.

Confused by the process?

Divorce is 20% a legal process, 40% an emotional transition and 40% a financial negotiation. It’s typically the largest financial transaction of a person’s life. There are many components and terminology in divorce…it can feel daunting and confusing. I can help you make sense of things and get through the process.

Post-divorce Parenting Issues?

Many co-parenting issues can come up post-divorce. For example, the need to modify an existing Parenting Plan or parenting time schedule, re-calculate Child Support, or resolving disagreements about education or extracurricular activities. I can help you with post-divorce co-parenting issues so you can move forward.

Create your path forward

Let’s be honest: divorce is never easy, and can be unnecessarily costly. I’m here to help spouses through the process. How you choose to divorce and the decisions you make throughout the divorce process can set the stage for what your (and your children’s) life looks like in the future.

be informed, get support AND Move beyond
